There are three churches in our parish: Church of the Holy Rosary, Castlebar; St. Aloysius, Breaffy and St. Patrick’s, Ballyheane.
There are three churches in our parish: Church of the Holy Rosary, Castlebar; St. Aloysius, Breaffy and St. Patrick’s, Ballyheane.
Monday: 10.00am, 7.00pm
Tuesday: 10.00am
Wednesday: 10.00am
Thursday: 10.00am
Friday: 10.00am
Saturday: 10.00am
First Friday of every month: 8.00am, 10.00am
Lent: Monday: 10am, 7pm Tuesday to Friday: 8am, 10am Saturday: 10am
Sunday: 6.00pm (Saturday Vigil)
9.00am, 11.00am
10am Sunday
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Masses are live streamed only and not recorded
7.30pm Saturday
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Masses are live streamed only and not recorded